A Liquid Diet to Lose Weight Bad Or Good?
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When I first heard about liquid diet to lose weight quickly and naturally, I thought it was too good to be true. Bang after just a couple of minutes of my time, the magic fat burner that cutting weight quickly was suddenly become very sad, very disappointed, and very angry. As if my choice of a diet plan wasn't good enough, I was now being subjected to a dangerous, complicated, and extremely restrictive liquid diet to lose weight! Bang! What was I going to do?

The sad part about the whole situation was that I had already given up on a lot of my favorite foods. So, I started to look for alternatives like going on an all fruit juice cleanse and other special diets. The reason why I didn't want to use a full liquid diet to lose weight is because I really love most of my favorite fruits. So, instead of getting a full-liquid diet, I decided to try a juice cleanse. After about two weeks, I started to notice that my skin was starting to look and feel better.
I also noticed that when I started eating real foods again, everything seemed to taste so much better. Of course, I still don't like fruits, but the taste of a fruit has always been important to me. But if you read Blatner says that full liquid diets are dangerous, then he must be right. And the funny thing about it is that he was doing exactly the same thing. He was going on a juice cleanse and cutting his food intake in half, but he was doing it for a month!
So, now that I had a month under my belt, it was time to see if I was getting enough nutrients. And by the way, Blatner is a nutritionist and he said that liquid vlcd will help you if you are trying to get your weight down. He said that you lose your appetite because you are getting enough nutrients through the cleanse. Of course, having a liquid diet will not make you lose your fat, but if you combine it with eating healthy and exercising, you can get your weight down without any supplements.
A lot of people believe that if you drink a full liquid diet, you will lose weight very quickly. And some people have done just that. But, if you look at the people who have used the liquid diets, you will see that they were using them for a long time and their weight loss wasn't the result of drinking a liquid diet. It was the result of eating healthy and exercising. Blatner explains that this is because people think liquid diets eliminate the need to eat. But, he says, they do the opposite.
Blatner points out that when people do liquid diets, they usually replace one nutrient (glucose) with another. For example, they might replace water with fruit juice or sugar with a carb-free snack cake. That's not how you're supposed to be losing weight. If you replace one carb with sugar, you will get little benefit and your weight will still stay on. If you replace one nutrient (glucose) with another, you'll also get little benefit and your weight loss will be much slower.
But, Blatner says, in the studies he conducted, his volunteers lost an average of four pounds per week on a full liquid diet. So, he concludes that you do get enough nutrients by eating vegetables and fruits. But, he adds, that liquid diets can speed up your metabolism, which helps you to burn fat more efficiently. The new study by researches at the University of Florida and the University of Nebraska Medical Center backs up this claim. In fact, the researchers determined that there was a significantly greater reduction in body fat among those who followed liquid diets compared to those who ate meat, dairy products, or carbohydrates.
So, is a liquid diet to lose weight bad for you? Blatner says "I don't think so." He did his study for the betterment of society. And, he admits, the new study does cast some doubt into long-term use of liquid diets. But, he hopes that more research will confirm that you do get enough nutrients from eating vegetables and fruit.
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